
AS5011 データシートの表示(PDF) - austriamicrosystems AG

AS5011 Datasheet PDF : 16 Pages
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Data Sheet
6.4.1 Shutdown mode
LP_Pulsed = 1, LP_Active = 0, LP_Continue = 0, INT_wup_en = 1 [0x76] = 1001_x00x
This is the default operating mode when powering up the device, giving the lowest power consumption when the
whole system is in idle mode.
The analog part of the AS5011 is powered off (sleep mode). It is waked up every 80ms by an internal low power
logic, the hall sensors are read and the XY coordinate of the magnet is computed.
If the magnet position is above the threshold limits Xp, Xn, Yp, Yn, an interrupt will be generated on the INTn pin
and the device returns to sleep mode waiting for the next wake up after 80ms. As the host microcontroller receives
the interrupt, it can read the X and Y positions or configure the AS5011 to Low Power mode (see 6.4.2 below) in
order to track the magnet position until it returns to its initial position on the center.
INT_n remains LOW until X_int/Y_int have been read, or after a power mode change. The typical coordinates read
application after an interrupt is to read X first then Y_int.
6.4.2 Low Power mode
LP_Pulsed = 1, LP_Active = 1, LP_Continue = 0, INT_act_en = 1 [0x76] = 110x_100x
The Low Power mode is used to track the magnet coordinates when it has been moved from its initial center
The AS5011 is in sleep mode and is waked up every 20ms. As soon as the XY position of the magnet is computed,
an interrupt is sent on the INTn pin to the microcontroller indicating that a valid coordinate is available, then the
sensor returns to sleep mode waiting for the next wake up after 20ms. INT_n remains LOW until X_int/Y_int have
been read, or after a power mode change. The typical coordinates read application after an interrupt is to read X
first then Y_int.
This mode generates a higher power consumption than the Shutdown mode because of the faster sampling rate
and the higher hall sensor current to provide an optimal accuracy of the coordinates.
When the microcontroller detects that the magnet has returned to the initial center position, it has to configure the
AS5011 back to Shutdown mode (see 6.4.1).
6.4.3 Full Power mode
LP_Pulsed = 0, LP_Active = 1, LP_Continue = 0 [0x76] = 010x_y00x
This mode allows the fastest coordinates reading. The sensor stays at its full capability, and never enters in sleep
The interrupt output goes LOW each time a new X and Y result has been computed and the valid data are ready to
be read by the host microcontroller. INT_n remains LOW until X_int/Y_int have been read, or after a power mode
change. The typical coordinates read application after an interrupt is to read X first then Y_int.
The INT_act_en bit (y):
If INT_act_en = 1, after reading the X_int or Y_int register, the next sampled XY coordinate is stored and
won’t be updated until the next read of X_int or Y_int.
If INT_act_en = 0, the last converted XY coordinate is read in real time.
Revision 3.10
6 – 16

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