ICs for Audio Common Use
s Technical Information (continued)
• Structure of pre-amp. stage (continued)
GF amp., the flat-amp., amplifies the signal equally for all frequencies in the range of 20 Hz to 70 kHz.
GT amp., the treble or tone-amp., has an internal LPF connected to its inverting input. The non-inverting input of GT
amp. is connected to the input signal. Thus, the output of GT passes only the upper range of frequencies (cut-off
frequency = 2.5 kHz).
GB amp., the bass-amp., amplifies the lower range of frequencies. Its cut-off frequency is determined by R1· C1.
If LF pin is left open, then GB amp. has no effect on the overall frequency response.
• Gain calculation
General formula for gain of pre-amp. is (when vol. = max., tone = max.) :
Gpre = GL1 · (GF + GT) − GB · GL2
By vector analysis as shown in fig. Vector diagram of Gpre,
GV [dB] = Gpre + GP
GV [dB] = 20 log √[GL1 · (GF + GT) − GB · GL2 · cosθ]2 + (GB · GL2 · sinθ)2 + GP
where GL1 = 0.5
GF = 1.3
GB = 5.4
0 for (100 Hz)
GT = 1.3 for (1 kHz)
2.5 for (10 kHz)
GP = 25 dB
Z3 · 0.848
GB ≈ Z3 + R1
GL1 · (GF + GT)
Z3 =
√1 + (2πf · C1 · 6600)2
θ = −tan−1 (2πf · C1 · 6600)
GB · GL2
Fig. Vector diagram of Gpre
−3 dB
G1 : Gain at 100 Hz
G2 : Gain at 1 kHz
G3 : Gain at 10 kHz
f1 : High frequency cut-off when Pin3 is open.
f2 : Low frequency cut-off
−3 dB
Tone = max.
Tone = min.
100 Hz f2
1 kHz f1
10 kHz
Fig. Frequency response of AN5270
Note) *1 : This is the response if LF pin is open (i.e. R1 open).