Preliminary Technical Data
parallel control interface. Larger wire-OR’ed arrays can be
constructed using the AD8197 in this mode.
interfaces. When using the serial control interface, the user
selects which TMDS link is routed to the output by
programming the HS_CH bits of the high speed device modes
register in accordance with the switch mapping listed in Table 8.
When using the parallel control interface, the user selects which
TMDS link is routed to the output by setting the PP_CH bus of
the parallel control interface in accordance with the switch
mapping listed in Table 26.
Figure 26. High Speed Output Simplified Schematic
The AD8197 requires output termination resistors when the
high speed outputs are enabled. Termination can be internal
and/or external. The internal terminations of the AD8197 are
enabled by programming the TX_PTO bit of the transmitter
settings register or by setting the PP_OTO pin of the parallel
control interface. The internal terminations of the AD8197
default to the setting indicated by PP_OTO upon reset. External
terminations can be provided either by on-board resistors or by
the input termination resistors of an HDMI/DVI receiver. If
both the internal terminations are enabled and external termi-
nations are present, set the output current level to 20 mA by
programming the TX_OCL bit of the transmitter settings
register through the serial control interface or by setting the
PP_OCL pin of the parallel control interface. The output
current level defaults to the level indicated by PP_OCL upon
reset. If only external terminations are provided (if the internal
terminations are disabled), set the output current level to 10 mA
by programming the TX_OCL bit of the transmitter settings
register or by setting the PP_OCL pin of the parallel control
interface. The high speed outputs must be disabled if there are
no output termination resistors present in the system.
The output pre-emphasis can be manually configured to provide
one of four different levels of high frequency boost. The specific
boost level is selected by programming the TX_PE bits of the
transmitter settings register through the serial control interface,
or by setting the PP_PE bus of the parallel control interface. No
specific cable length is suggested for a particular pre-emphasis
setting because cable performance varies widely between
The AD8197 has three high speed switching modes: quad, dual,
and single. These are selected by programming the HS_SM bits
of the high speed device modes register through the serial
control interface.
Quad Switching Mode
This is the default mode. In quad mode, the AD8197 behaves
like a 4:1 HDMI/DVI link multiplexer routing groups of four
TMDS input channels to the four-channel output. This mode is
accessible through both the serial and the parallel control
Dual Switching Mode
In this mode, the AD8197 behaves as a locked dual [8:1] TMDS
channel switch. The two 8:1 switches share the channel select
input and, therefore, switch together. The user selects which two
out of the eight possible input groups are routed to output by
programming the HS_CH bits of the high speed device modes
register in accordance with the switch mapping listed in Table 9.
This mode is only accessible through the serial control interface.
Single Switching Mode
In this mode, the AD8197 behaves as a single 16:1 TMDS
channel multiplexer; one of the 16 input channels is routed to
all of the outputs. The user selects which input channel is
routed to the outputs by programming the HS_CH bits in the
high speed device modes register in accordance with the switch
mapping listed in Table 10. This mode is only accessible
through the serial control interface.
The auxiliary (low speed) lines have no amplification. They are
routed using a passive switch that is bandwidth compatible with
standard speed I2C. The schematic equivalent for this passive
connection is shown in Figure 27.
Figure 27. Auxiliary Channel Simplified Schematic,
AUX_A0 to AUX_COM0 Routing Example
When turning off the AD8197, care needs to be taken with
the AMUXVCC supply to ensure that the auxiliary multiplexer
pins remain in a high impedance state. A scenario that illustrates
this requirement is one where the auxiliary multiplexer is used
to switch the display data channel (DDC) bus. In some applica-
tions, additional devices can be connected to the DDC bus
(such as an EEPROM with EDID information) upstream of the
AD8197. Extended display identification data (EDID) is a VESA
standard-defined data format for conveying display configuration
information to sources to optimize display use. EDID devices
may need to be available via the DDC bus, regardless of the
state of the AD8197 and any downstream circuit. For this
configuration, the auxiliary inputs of the powered down
AD8197 need to be in a high impedance state to avoid pulling
down on the DDC lines and preventing these other devices
from using the bus.
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