Externally connected components and comments
C1 (C2) : Feedback capacitor : The lower cut-off frequency is given by the following formula :
fL : Lower cut-off frequency
Rf : Feedback resistance
This requires careful review, because, together with decoupling capacitor, it affects the starting time.
R1 (R2) : Feedback resistor : Voltage gain is determined by ratio to the built-in resistor. Use ±5%-tolerance resistors to
enhance balance of voltage gains for the two channels.
C3 (C4) : Bootstrap capacitor : Capacitance affects output in the low-frequency range ; employment of small-value
capacitance causes reduced outputs in lower frequencies. Employ at least 47µF.
C5 (C6) : De-oscillating capacitor : Use a mylar capacitor that excels in temperature and frequency characteristics. If an
aluminum electrolytic or a ceramic capacitor is used, it may cause oscillation.
C7 (C8) : Output capacitor : The lower cut-off frequency is given by the following formula :
fL : Lower cut-off frequency
RL : Load resistance
C9 :
C10 :
To obtain equivalent low-frequency characteristics for 2-channel operation with bridge amplifier connected,
double the capacitance.
Decoupling capacitor : Though this is an arm of the ripple filter, rejection effects saturate at a certain value so
that excessively large values do not serve any further purpose. It is employed for a time constant of the muting
circuit, so it affects the starting time.
Power supply capacitor.
Concerning application circuits
1. Voltage gain adjustments
♦ 2-channel
Voltage gain is determined by resistor R1 (R2) and an
externally connected feedback resistor Rf in accordance
with the following formula :
VG=20 log
R1 (R2)
By suitable selection of the externally connected re-
sistor Rf, any voltage gain can be obtained. It is pref-
erable, however, that the voltage gain is chosen in the
range of 45dB to 50dB. Incidentally, R1 (R2) =10kΩ
♦ Bridge Amplifier.
A bridge amplifier connection is structured as shown above. Ch-1 functions as a non-inverting amplifier and Ch-2
as an inverting amplifier. For input to ch-2, output of ch-1 is divided by resistors R3 and R4 and is led out at pin 1
as bridge amplifier output. Attenuation of ch-1 output is R3/R4, while amplification of ch-2/ (RNF+R4), and due to
designation for R3 : 5kΩ typ., and R4 : 50Ω typ., ch-1 output attenuation and ch-2 amplification become equal by
designating RNF=51Ω. When obtained at ch-2, output is the same output as ch-1 but opposite in phase. Accord-
ingly, the overall voltage gain exhibited is 6dB above ch-1 gain, and is approximately given by the following
Continued on next page.