The increasing importance of battery testing
With the advancing information age, UPS applications will become important over a
wide range of locations, from office buildings to hospitals and research institutions.
Accordingly, battery maintenance is a field that can be expected to grow in
importance. Also, in the development of practical electrically powered vehicles, the
environment for lead-acid storage batteries is changing rapidly, and these changes
indicate a great opportunity for Models 3550 and 3551 BATTERY HiTESTERS.
What about conventional maintenance methods?
The traditional technique for checking the state of a backup battery is based on a
measurement of the specific gravity of the electrolyte. But as sealed batteries have
become the norm, this is no longer possible. The 3550 and 3551 take measurements
from the battery terminals, and can therefore function with completely sealed
Relationship between charging time and charge
capacity or internal resistance
The operational life of a battery depends on the frequency of use (number of
charge/discharge cycles). The graph on the right illustrates the relationship between
the time required for charging the battery and the charge capacity and internal
resistance, and shows that as the charging time increases, the charge capacity
decreases, while the internal resistance rises.
There are various methods for determining whether a battery has reached the end of
its operational life, but the method based on measuring the internal resistance and
voltage is fast and reliable.
Discharge capacity
Internal resistance
Charging time