72V, Overvoltage-Protection Switches/
Limiter Controllers with an External MOSFET
• The overvoltage waveform period (tOV)
• The power dissipated across the package (PDISS)
During an initial overvoltage occurrence, the discharge
time (∆t1) of COUT, caused by IOUT and IGATEPD. The
discharge time is approximately:
VOV × 0.05
where VOV is the overvoltage threshold, IOUT is the load
current, and IGATEPD is the GATE’s 100mA pulldown
Upon OUT falling below the threshold point, the
MAX6495/MAX6496/MAX6499s’ charge-pump current
must recover and begins recharging the external GATE
voltage. The time needed to recharge GATE from -VD to
the MOSFET’s gate threshold voltage is:
where CISS is the MOSFET’s input capacitance,
VGS(TH) is the MOSFET’s gate threshold voltage, VD is
the internal clamp (from OUTFB to GATE) diode’s for-
ward voltage (1.5V, typ) and IGATE is the charge-pump
current (100µA typ).
During ∆t2, COUT loses charge through the output load.
The voltage across COUT (∆V2) decreases until the
MOSFET reaches its VGS(TH) threshold and can be
approximated using the following formula:
Figure 5. MAX6495/MAX6496/MAX6499 Timing
Once the MOSFET VGS(TH) is obtained, the slope of the
output-voltage rise is determined by the MOSFET Qg
charge through the internal charge pump with respect
to the drain potential. The new rise time needed to
reach a new overvoltage event can be calculated using
the following formula:
where QGD is the gate-to-drain charge.
The total period of the overvoltage waveform can be
summed up as follows:
∆tOV = ∆t1 + ∆t2 + ∆t3
The MAX6495/MAX6496/MAX6499 dissipate the most
power during an overvoltage event when IOUT = 0. The
maximum power dissipation can be approximated
using the following equation:
× 0.975 × IGATEPD ×
The die-temperature increase is related to θJC (8.3°C/W
and 8.5°C/W for the MAX6495/MAX6496/MAX6499,
respectively) of the package when mounted correctly
with a strong thermal contact to the circuit board. The
MAX6495/MAX6496/MAX6499 thermal shutdown is
governed by the equation:
TJ = TA + PDISS (θJC +θCA) < +170°C
Based on these calculations, the parameters of the
MOSFET, the overvoltage threshold, the output load
current, and the output capacitors are external vari-
ables affecting the junction temperature. If these para-
meters are fixed, the junction temperature can also be
affected by increasing ∆t3, which is the time the switch
is on. By increasing the capacitance at the GATE pin,
∆t3 increases as it increases the amount of time
required to charge up this additional capacitance
(75µA gate current). As a result, ∆tOV increases, there-
by reducing the power dissipated (PDISS).