
ASC7511 データシートの表示(PDF) - Unspecified

ASC7511 Datasheet PDF : 19 Pages
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Temperature Measurement
The aSC7511 measures temperature by calculating the
change in sensing a diode-connected transistor’s base-
emitter voltage (ΔVBE) when two different currents are
applied sequentially. This difference has a linear positive
slope with temperature, unlike the non-linear VBE under a
constant current.
The ΔVBE is amplified and scaled depending on the type of
transistor being measured. The typical case for the remote
measurement is to connect to the substrate thermal diode
of a CPU or ASIC. This will provide the die temperature of
that device to a high level of accuracy for the purpose of
controlling system cooling or reporting routine or over-
temperature conditions.
For each measurement cycle, an internal 2:1 multiplexer
alternates between the local and remote sensor diodes and
provides the input to a filter and amplifier. An analog-to-
digital converter takes this signal, converts it to a digital
value and stores the alternating values in the appropriate
temperature register of the aSC7511. These stored values
are continuously compared to several user-selected limit
values for sending alarm conditions or turning on an
external fan driver.
Conversions for both sensors will proceed automatically at
the default rate of 16 conversions per second until a
different rate is selected or one-shot or stand-by mode are
selected. The conversion rate is user-selected by writing to
the conversion rate register. Table 3 provides a list of
conversion rates ranging from 0.0625 to 64 conversions
per second. Sensor power consumption is directly
proportional to the conversion rate and should be taken into
account in power-limited applications as well as the impact
that power dissipation has in self-heating of the local
sensor. More details are provided in the Operation section.
Thermal Alarm and Alert Functions
The aSC7511 thermal alarm function, THERM , provides
user programmable thermostat capability and allows the
aSC7511 to function as a standalone thermostat without
constant attention over the serial interface. This signal is an
open drain output. When either the remote or local
temperature reading exceeds the selected limits it goes low
and will remain low until the measured temperature falls
below the alarm limit by the amount set into the THERM
hysteresis register (default value is 10°C).
The aSC7511 thermal alert function, ALERT , provides
another open-drain pin that is driven low when either the
internal or remote temperature is greater than the high limit
or less than or equal to the low limit selected by the user. In
addition, an SMBus Alert is generated, requiring the bus
master to inquire on the SMBus which client has
interrupted in order to re-set the alert. The ALERT pin may
be masked by the user with bit 7 of the configuration
Note that limit comparisons are triggered only by a
measurement action, not by a change in limits. An actual
alarm condition may exist but will not be reported until a
measurement takes place. This should be taken into
account when using slow conversion rates.
The ALERT pin may also be configured as a second
THERM pin, THERM2 . This will behave in the same way
as the THERM pin, but will be controlled by the high limit
used for the ALERT pin, although it will not need to be
reset by the master and does not use the hysteresis value.
A more detailed discussion and examples is provided in the
Operation section.
Fault Tolerance
The number of out of limit readings required before the
ALERT is asserted may be set by writing to the
Consecutive ALERT register. The default value is 1 and
the user may select requiring 2, 3, or 4 consecutive out of
limit readings before is ALERT asserted.
The ASC7511 contains 22 8-bit registers. All of these
registers may be accessed by the user via the digital serial
interface at any time. A detailed description of these
registers and their functions is provided in the following
paragraphs. Reading and writing to registers is covered in
the SMBus Operation section. Use of the register set to
control and interrogate the aSC7511 is covered in the
Operation section. A table of the registers is provided in
Table 4.
Address Pointer Register
The Address Pointer Register is a write-only register that is
automatically written by the first byte that follows the R/ W
bit of a write transaction. If R/ W is low, It will then contain
the address to which the following byte is written, when
R/ W bit is high it will be the read address. Details of the
reading and writing sequence are covered in the Serial
Interface Operation section.
Measured Temperature Value Registers
The aSC7511 has two sensors whose measured values
are stored in registers. Remote temperature is two bytes, at
register addresses 01h and 10h. Local temperature is at
00h. The power-on default values are zero and the
aSC7511 will automatically begin filling these registers with
values after the power on reset sequence is complete.
These are read-only registers.
© Andigilog, Inc. 2006
August 2006 - 70A04010

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