• External Cache Memory—Local, high-speed memory
(called cache memory) is used to hold instructions and
data that is repetitively accessed by the CPU (for example,
within a program loop) and thus reduces the number of
references that must be made to the slower-speed main
memory. Some microprocessors provide a limited amount
of cache memory on the CPU chip itself. The external
caches supported by the IDT79R3500 can be much larger;
while a small cache can improve performance of some
programs, significant improvements for a wide range of
programs require large caches.
• Separate Caches for data and Instructions—Even with
high-speed caches, memory speed can still be a limiting
factor because of the fast cycle time of a high-performance
microprocessor. The IDT79R3500 supports separate
caches for instructions and data and alternates accesses
of the two caches during each CPU cycle. Thus, the
processor can obtain data and instructions at the cycle rate
of the CPU using caches constructed with commercially
available IDT static RAM devices.
In order to maximize bandwidth in the cache while minimiz-
ing the requirement for SRAM access speed, the
IDT79RR3500 divides a single-processor clock cycle into
two phases. During one phase, the address for the data
cache access is presented while data previously ad-
dressed in the instruction cache is read; during the next
phase, the data operation is completed while the instruc-
tion cache is being addressed. Thus, both caches are read
in a single processor cycle using only one set of address
and data pins.
• Write Buffer—in order to ensure data consistency, all data
that is written to the data cache must also be written out to
main memory. The cache write model used by the
IDT79R3500 is that of a write-through cache; that is, all
data written by the CPU is immediately written into the
main memory. To relieve the CPU of this responsibility
(and the inherent performance burden) the IDT79R3500
supports an interface to a write buffer. The IDT79R3020
Write Buffer captures data (and associated addresses)
output by the CPU and ensures that the data is passed on
to main memory.
IDT79R3500 Processor Subsystem Interfaces
Figure 14 illustrates the three subsystem interfaces pro-
vided by the IDT79R3500 processor:
• Cache control interface (on-chip) for separate data and
instruction caches permits implementation of off-chip
caches using standard IDT SRAM devices. The
IDT79R3500 directly controls the cache memory with a
minimum of external components. Both the instruction and
data cache can vary from 0 to 256kB (64K entries). The
IDT79R3500 also includes the TAG control logic which
determines whether or not the entry read from the cache
is the desired data. The IDT79RR3500 implements an
advanced feature that allows certain tag comparisons to
be eliminated, which in turn reduces the number of cache
SRAMs required. The Int(5) reset mode vector contains
two bits which sets the tag comparison options. Table 3
illustrates the tag disable encoding. The first row in the
table implements the standard IDT79R3000A operating
mode where all the tag and tag parity are used. The
second row eliminates the upper 4 tag bits, eliminating
normally required SRAMs and limiting main memory ad-
dressing to 128mB. The third row elimnates the lower 4 tag
bits, which requires the cache to be at least 64kB each.
The fourth row eliminates the upper 4 and lower 4 tag bits,
requiring at least 16K cache entries, and limits main
memory addressing to 128mB. In all cases, the IDT79R3500
continues to check tag parity which are selected as driven
from the cache. The IDT79R3500 cache controller imple-
ments a direct mapped cache for high net performance
(bandwidth). It has the ability to refill multiple words when
a cache miss occurs, thus reducing the effective miss rate
to less than 2% for large caches. When a cache miss
occurs, the IDT79R3500 can support refilling the cache in
1, 4, 8, 16, or 32 word blocks to minimize the effective
penalty of having to access main memory. The IDT79R3500
also incorporates the ability to perform instruction stream-
ing; while the cache is refilling, the processor can resume
execution once the missed word is obtained from main
memory. In this way, the processor can continue to execute
concurrently with the cache block refill.
• Memory controller interface for system (main) memory.
This interface also includes the logic and signals to allow
operation with a write buffer to further improve memory
bandwidth. In addition to the standard full word access, the
memory controller supports the ability to write bytes and
half-words by using partial word operations. The memory
controller also supports the ability to retry memory ac-
cesses if, for example, the data returned from memory is
invalid and a bus error needs to be signalled.
• Coprocessor Interface—The IDT79R3500 features a set
of on board tightly coupled coprocessors. Coprocessor 0
is defined to be the system control coprocessor and
Coprocessor 1 is the Floating Point Accelerator. They
have direct access to the internal data bus which allows
them direct load and store of data in the same fashion as
accessing the CPU registers. This relieves the typical
bottleneck of having to load data into the CPU register set
and then passing that data off to the co-processors.
In applications where the FPA was off chip, as in using the
IDT79R3010A, several control pins were used for commu-
nications with the CPU and a Phase Lock Loop was
located on the IDT79R3010A to synchronize the two
together. As they are now integrated into a single chip,
these are no longer needed. The FpCond output, which is
used in coprocessor branch instructions, is now internally
tied to the CpCond(1) input of the CPU leaving the external
CpCond(1) pin available for another function. This signal
is selectable to either output the FpBusy or the Fplnt. Cp