Philips Electronics
Up/down binary counter with reset and ripple clock

Philips Electronics
Bus interface latches

Philips Electronics
Octal transceiver (3-State)

Philips Electronics
4-bit binary full adder with fast carry

Philips Electronics
8-bit universal shift/storage register with synchronous reset and common I/O pins (3-State)

Philips Electronics
Dual 4-input multiplexer (3-State)

Philips Electronics
Quad serial adder/subtractor

Philips Electronics
4-bit bidirectional binary synchronous counter (3-State)

Philips Electronics
Dual J-K negative edge-triggered flip-flop with common clock and reset

Philips Electronics
Pi-bus transceiver

Philips Electronics
Bus interface registers

NXP Semiconductors.
4-bit bidirectional universal shift register

Philips Electronics
16X5 asynchronous FIFO (3-State)

Philips Electronics
4-bit cascadable shift register (3-State)

Philips Electronics
1-of-10 decoder (3-State)

Philips Electronics
8-bit bidirectional binary counter (3-State)

Philips Electronics
Inverter/buffer drivers