Microsemi Corporation
600 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressor

Microsemi Corporation
600 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressor

Monolithic Power Systems
3.3V/5V, Single-Channel 1A Current-Limited Power Distribution Switches

Monolithic Power Systems
3.3V/5V, Dual-Channel 500mA Current-Limited Power Distribution Switches

Monolithic Power Systems
Programmable Single-Phase, BLDC, Motor Driver with Integrated Hall Sensor

Monolithic Power Systems
3.3V/5V, Single-Channel 1A Current-Limited Power Distribution Switch

Monolithic Power Systems
100V, Three-Phase, BLDC Motor Pre-Driver with PWM & Enable Inputs

Microsemi Corporation
600 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressor

Microsemi Corporation
600 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressor

Microsemi Corporation
600 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressor

Microsemi Corporation
600 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressor

Monolithic Power Systems
3.3V/5V, Single-Channel 500mA Current-Limited Power Distribution Switch

Monolithic Power Systems
3.3V/5V, Dual-Channel 500mA Current-Limited Power Distribution Switches

Monolithic Power Systems
4.5V-to-16V,400mA, Single-Phase Brushless-DC–Motor Driver

Monolithic Power Systems
5V to 35V, Three-Phase, Brushless DC Motor Pre-Driver

Microsemi Corporation
600 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressor

Microsemi Corporation
600 Watt Transient Voltage Suppressor