Linear Technology
Step-Up/Step-Down Switched Capacitor DC/DC Converters with Reset

Linear Technology
Serial 16-Bit Multiplying DACs

Linear Technology
12-/14-/16-Bit SoftSpan DACs with Programmable Output Range

Linear Technology
Isolated RS485 Transceiver

Linear Technology
Backup Battery Controller with Programmable Output

Linear Technology
14-Bit and 16-Bit Parallel Low Glitch Multiplying DACs with 4-Quadrant Resistors

Linear Technology
4- and 8-Channel, Micropower Sampling 12-Bit Serial I/O A/D Converters

Linear Technology
Low Noise, Switched Capacitor Regulated Voltage Inverters

Linear Technology
High Efficiency Step-Down DC/DC Converters with Internal Schottky Diode

Linear Technology
Software-Selectable Multiprotocol Transceiver

Linear Technology
5-Bit Programmable Synchronous Switching Regulator Controller for Pentium® II Processor

Linear Technology
Precision Triple Supply Monitor for PCI Applications

Linear Technology
Very Low Noise, Low Distortion Active RC Quad Universal Filter

Linear Technology
50Mbps Precision Quad Line Receiver

Linear Technology
Self-Powered Isolated Comparator

Linear Technology
Micropower, Regulated 5V Charge Pump DC/DC Converter

Linear Technology
High Power Synchronous Switching Regulator Controller

Linear Technology
Serial 16-Bit Multiplying DACs