Philips Electronics
Octal transceiver with direction pin, inverting (3-State)

Philips Electronics
Octal bus transceiver/register (3-State)

NXP Semiconductors.
Octal bus transceiver/register; 3-state

Philips Electronics
Octal transceiver/register, inverting (3-State)

Philips Electronics
Octal transceiver with direction pin, inverting (3-State)

NXP Semiconductors.
Octal transceiver/register; inverting; 3-state

Philips Electronics
Octal transceiver with direction pin, inverting (3-State)

Philips Electronics
Octal transceiver/register, inverting (3-State)

Philips Electronics
Octal bus transceiver/register (3-State)

Philips Electronics
Octal transceiver/register, inverting (3-State)

Philips Electronics
Octal transceiver with direction pin, inverting (3-State)

Philips Electronics
Octal transceiver with direction pin, inverting (3-State)

Philips Electronics
Octal bus transceiver/register (3-State)

Philips Electronics
Octal transceiver/register, inverting (3-State)

NXP Semiconductors.
Octal bus transceiver/register; 3-state

NXP Semiconductors.
Octal transceiver/register; inverting; 3-state

Philips Electronics
Octal bus transceiver/register (3-State)