Fairchild Semiconductor
Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 3-STATE Outputs

Philips Electronics
Octal latched transceiver with dual enable; inverting; 3-state

Fairchild Semiconductor
Octal Buffer/Line Driver with 3-STATE Outputs

Philips Electronics
Octal buffer, inverting (3-State)

Philips Electronics
Octal buffer/line driver (3-State)

NXP Semiconductors.
Octal latched transceiver with dual enable; 3-state

Fairchild Semiconductor
Octal Registered Transceiver with 3-STATE Outputs

Philips Electronics
Octal buffer/line driver (3-State)

NXP Semiconductors.
Octal latched transceiver with dual enable; inverting; 3-state

NXP Semiconductors.
Octal latched transceiver with dual enable; 3-state

Philips Electronics
Octal buffer, inverting (3-State)

Philips Electronics
Octal latched transceiver with dual enable; inverting; 3-state

Philips Electronics
Octal latched transceiver with dual enable (3-State)

Philips Electronics
Octal buffer/line driver (3-State)

Philips Electronics
Octal buffer, inverting (3-State)

Philips Electronics
Octal latched transceiver with dual enable; inverting; 3-state

NXP Semiconductors.
Octal latched transceiver with dual enable; 3-state

NXP Semiconductors.
Octal latched transceiver with dual enable; 3-state

Philips Electronics
Octal buffer, inverting (3-State)