Número de pieza
componentes Descripción

High Speed, Single Channel, Power MOSFET Driver

High Speed, Single Channel, Power MOSFET Driver

Renesas Electronics
High Speed, Single Channel, Power MOSFET Driver

High Speed, Single Channel, Power MOSFET Driver

Gilway Technical Lamp
T-¾ Subminiature Lamps

Tyco Electronics
WILMAR™ Protective Relays – 700 Series

Bourns, Inc
Common Mode EMI Chokes

C and K Components
Miniature Rocker & Lever Handle Switches

C and K Components
Miniature Rocker & Lever Handle Switches

Filtran LTD
HDSL Transformer

Filtran LTD
FIBRE CHANNEL Dual Transformer

API Technologies Corp
FIBRE CHANNEL Dual Transformer

C and K Components
Miniature Rocker & Lever Handle Switches

Gilway Technical Lamp
T-¾ Subminiature Lamps

Common Mode EMI Inductors

Tyco Electronics
WILMAR™ Protective Relays – 700 Series

API Technologies Corp
FIBRE CHANNEL Dual Transformer

Bourns, Inc
Common Mode EMI Chokes

API Technologies Corp
FIBRE CHANNEL Dual Transformer

Gilway Technical Lamp
T-¾ Subminiature Lamps

Common Mode EMI Inductors

Filtran LTD
FIBRE CHANNEL Dual Transformer

C and K Components
Miniature Rocker & Lever Handle Switches

Common Mode EMI Inductors