Zetex => Diodes
The ZTL431 and ZTL432 are three terminal adjustable shunt regulators offering excellent temperature stability and output current handling capability up to 100mA. The output voltage may be set to any chosen voltage between 2.5 and 20 volts by selection of two external divider resistors.
The devices can be used as a replacement for zener diodes in many applications requiring an improvement in zener performance.
The ZTL432 has the same electrical specifications as the ZTL431 but has a different pin out in SOT23 (F-suffix) and SOT23F (FF-suffix).
Both variants are available in 2 grades with initial tolerances of 1% and 0.5% for the A and B grades respectively.
These are functionally equivalent to the TL431/TL432 except for maximum operation voltage, and have an ambient temperature range of -40 to 125°C as standard.
• Temperature range ................ -40 to 125°C
• Reference voltage tolerance at 25°C
• 0.5% ..................................... B grade
• 1% ......................................... A grade
• 0.2Ω typical output impedance
• Sink current capability ...... 1mA to 100mA
• Adjustable output voltage...... VREF to 20V
• Opto-coupler linearization
• Linear regulators
• Improved zener
• Variable reference