VTT9103 Hoja de datos - PerkinElmer Inc

PerkinElmer Inc
A medium area high sensitivity NPN silicon phototransistor in a recessed TO-106 ceramic package. The chip is protected with a lens of clear epoxy. The base connection is brought out allowing conventional transistor biasing. These devices are spectrally matched to any of PerkinElmer IREDs.
Número de pieza
componentes Descripción
.040" NPN Phototransistors
PerkinElmer Inc
.040" NPN Phototransistors Clear Epoxy TO-106 Ceramic Package
PerkinElmer Inc
.050" NPN Phototransistors
PerkinElmer Inc
.025" NPN Phototransistors
PerkinElmer Inc
.025" NPN Phototransistors
PerkinElmer Inc
.050" NPN Phototransistors
PerkinElmer Inc
.025" NPN Phototransistors
PerkinElmer Inc
.025" NPN Phototransistors
PerkinElmer Inc
.025" NPN Phototransistors
PerkinElmer Inc
NPN Silicon Phototransistors
Optek Technology