Vitesse Semiconductor
Functional Description
The VSC8101 and VSC8102 are clock and data recovery units for STS-3 (155.52 Mb/s) applications. They implement the complete clock and data recovery functions and require no external components. The one-channel device, VSC8101, accepts serial data in NRZ or NRZI format and re-times the data using a sampling clock extracted from the input data stream. The recovered clock (RCLK+/-) and re-timed data (RDAT+/-) are presented at the serial output ports, aligned such that the falling edge of the recovered clock (RCLK+) coincides with the center of the data eye (see figure 4). The VSC8102 is an octal version of the VSC8101. A single reference clock input (REFCK+/-) at the STS-3 data rate (155.52MHz) is required for either device. The data and reference clock inputs, and the recovered data and clock outputs are differential ECL levels referenced to the VCC supply. Only one supply, +2V or -2V, is required for operation.
• Recovers Clock and Data at STS-3 (155.52 Mb/s) Data Rate.
• No External Components Required.
• Available in One-channel (VSC8101) or Eight-channel (VSC8102) Versions.
• Recovers Data from NRZ or NRZI Data Streams.
• No Output Clock Drift in Absence of Data Transitions Once Lock is Acquired.
• ECL or Psuedo ECL (PECL) Differential Inputs and Outputs.
• Maximum Power Dissipation: VSC8101: 400mW, VSC8102: 3W.
• Single 2V Power Supply
• Available in 28PLCC (VSC8101) and 100PQFP (VSC8102)