Zentrum Mikroelektronik Dresden AG
Accuracy ±0.5°C
Measurement range -50°C.. +150°C
Analog 0-1 Volt signal output
Resolution 0.1°C
The temperature sensor family TSic from IST are fully tested and calibrated sensors to allow absolute measurement accuracy at delivery and eliminates further calibration efforts. The temperature measurement with the TSic is very simple, can achieve outstanding accuracy combined with a long term stability.
• Different accuracy classes with 100% upward compatibility
• No calibration by customer necessary any more, absolute calibration specified
• Simple to integrate, reducing cost and time for application-development
• Robust and elementary signal transmission requires only one singal line
• Optimum solution for temperature control, thanks to fast data measurement
• Packages for standard SMD, THT or application specific assembly
• Miniaturised solutions with Bare-chip (COB, COF, CSP) or e-line package
• Very fast response time with Bare-chip (COF – Chip on Flex)
• Very small power consumption – ideal for mobile and standard applications
• Field (re-)configuration or (re-)calibration available (option for high volume customers only)
• Outstanding long term stability