TriQuint Semiconductor
The TriQuint TGA9083 -EEU is a monolithic power amplifier which operates from 6.5 to 11.5 GHz. This device is currently classified as an Engineering Evaluation Unit. This t wo stage power amplifier partially consists of a 2.5 -mm pHEMT driving a 11.36 -mm pHEMT at the output. The TGA9083-EEU is capable of providing 8 Watts of output power with 35% PAE when biased at 9 Volts. Typical 7 Volts operation provides 5 Watts of output power with a power-added efficiency of 40 percent. Typical small signal gain is 19-dB. In balanced configuration, 12 Watts of output power is achievable with 40% PAE.
● 6.5 to 11.5-GHz Frequency Range
● 5-Watt Output Power at 7V , 6-W at 8V, 8-W at 9 Volt Drain Bias
● 19-dB Typical Small Signal Gain
● 40% Power Added Efficiency at 7V, 35% PAE at 9 Volt Drain Bias
● 12-dB Typical Input Return Loss, 9-dB Typical Output Return Loss
● On-Chip Active Gate Bias Circuit Option Simplifies Biasing
● 4, 521 x 3,048 x 0,100 mm (0.178 x 0.120 x 0.004 in.)