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The TA8218AH is 3 channel audio amplifier for consumer applications.
This IC provides an output power of 6 watts per channel (at VCC= 20 V, f = 1kHz, THD = 10%, RL= 8 Ω).
It is suitable for power amplifier of TV and home stereo.
Built-in 3ch amplifier
High output power: Pout= 6 W/ch (Typ.)
(VCC= 20 V, RL= 8 Ω, f = 1 kHz, THD = 10%)
Low noise: Vno= 0.14 mVrms (Typ.)
(VCC= 20 V, RL= 8 Ω, GV= 34dB, Rg= 10 kΩ, BW = 20 Hz~20 kHz)
Built in audio muting circuit (Active →Low)
: Main amp/surround amp independent control.
Built in various protection circuits
Protection circuit: Thermal shut down, over voltage, Out →GND short.
Operation supply voltage range: VCC (opr)= 10~30 V(Ta = 25°C)