STMicroelectronics Imaging Division has enhanced the feature set of the STV0680B low cost dual mode camera chipset to allow a new line of low cost cameras or toy products to be brought to the market.
ST have maintained the standard features already available in the successful STV0680B-001 chipset, including:
● STV0680B-003 fully backward compatible with STV0680B-001
● Support for VV6410/6411 (CIF) and VV6500 (VGA) CMOS imaging sensors.
● Support for SDRAM sizes 16MBit (up to 20 CIF images) or 64Mbit (up to 80 CIF or 26 VGA images).
● Low resolution “economy” mode allows for more images to be stored.
● High frame rate web cam (tethered video) over USB.
● Automatic anti-flicker exposure control.
● Image up load over RS232 or USB.
● Driver support for Win98/Win2k/WinME and MacOS 8.6/9.0/9.1.
● Continuous capture while untethered (except when Flashgun enabled) and downloading to AVI file format
● Power-saving “stand-by” mode which maintains memory contents, as well as generally low power consumption.
● Simple user interface including 2 buttons, status LCD display, and buzzer.
● Evaluation Kit (EVK) available.
● Software Development Kit (SDK) allows OEM PC Software applications to be written.
● Audio record/playback and “Delete Last” function
● Custom sounds playback (e.g. “Talking” or “Musical” camera)
● Flashgun support
● Quick Power Down (by holding Mode Button).