STK730-060 Hoja de datos - Inchange Semiconductor
Número de pieza

Inchange Semiconductor
﹒Power MOSFET devices
﹒Ideal for semi-regulated control switching supplies
﹒Error detection circuit on-chip (40.5±0.5V set reference voltage)
﹒Pin compatible with all other devices in the same series of devices with 110 to 280W power ratings
﹒Higher oscillator frequency allows the use of smaller pulse transformers
﹒CRT/CTV power supplies
﹒Office automation equipment power supplies
Número de pieza
componentes Descripción
Self-Excitation Type Semi-Regulated Switching Regulator (145W Output)
SANYO -> Panasonic
Self-Excitation Type Semi-Regulated Switching Regulator (145W Output) ( Rev : 1999 )
SANYO -> Panasonic
Self-excitation Type Semi-Regulated Switching Regulator(110W Output)
SANYO -> Panasonic
Self-excitation type semi-regulated (word spec.) switching regulator (210W output)
SANYO -> Panasonic
Self-Excitation Type Semi-Regulated (World Spec.) Switching Regulator (110W Output)
SANYO -> Panasonic
Self-Excitation Type Semi-Regulated (World Spec.) Switching Regulator (110W Output) ( Rev : 1999 )
SANYO -> Panasonic
Self-Excitation Type Feedback Control Switching Regulator
Sharp Electronics
Self-excitation Type Feedback Control Switching Regulator
Inchange Semiconductor
Self-Excitation Type Feedback Control Switching Regulator(180W Output)
SANYO -> Panasonic
Full-Mold, Separate Excitation Switching Type
Sanken Electric co.,ltd.