Interpoint Corporation Company
The Interpoint® SMFL Series™ 28 volt dc-dc converters are rated up to 65 watts output power over a -55°C to +125°C temperature range with a 28 volt nominal input. On dual output models, up to 70% of the rated output power can be drawn from either the positive or negative outputs. The welded, hermetically sealed package is only 3.005 x 1.505 x 0.400 inches.
• Radiation tolerant space dc-dc converter
- Single event effects (SEE) LET performance to
86 MeV cm2/mg
- Total ionizing dose (TID) guaranteed per MIL-STD-883
method 1019, radiation hardness assurance (RHA)
P = 30 krad(Si), L = 50 krad(Si), R = 100 krad(Si)
- 50 - 300 rad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition A)
- 10 mrad(Si)/sec dose rate (Condition D)
• Parallel up to 3 converters—maximum recommended power
is 80% of the total available power.
• Operating temperature -55°C to +125°C
• Qualified to MIL-PRF-38534 Class H and K
• Input voltage range 16 to 40 volts
• Transient protection up to 80 volts for 50 ms
- Converter will shut down at an input voltage above
approximately 45 volts
• Fully isolated, magnetic feedback
• Fixed high switching frequency
• Remote sense and output trim on single output models
• Primary and secondary inhibit function
• Synchronization input and output
• Indefinite short circuit protection
• High power density with up to 85% typical efficiency