Silicon Laboratories
Proximity/Ambient Light Sensor IC with I2C Interface
The Si115x-AB00/AB09/AB9x is an ambient light sensor, proximity, and gesture detector with I2C digital interface and programmable-event interrupt output.
This touchless sensor IC includes dual 23-bit analog-to-digital converters, an integrated high-sensitivity array of visible and infrared photodiodes, a digital signal processor, and up to three integrated LED drivers with programmable drive levels. The Si115x offers excellent performance under a wide dynamic range and a variety of light sources, including direct sunlight. The Si115x can also work under dark glass covers.
• Proximity detector
• From under 1 cm, to 50 cm without
additional lensing.
• From under 1 cm, to 200 cm with
additional lensing (e.g., 5 mm
hemispherical lens as in our EVB).
• Up to three independent LED drivers.
• 30 current settings from 5.6 mA to 360
mA for each LED driver.
• Operates in direct sunlight with optional
on-die 940 nm passband filter.
• On die 940 bandpass filter that rejects
unwanted visible light and IR from
daylight and other sources (Si115xAB09/AB9X).
• Ambient light sensor
• <100 mlx resolution possible, allowing
operation under dark glass.
• Up to 128 klx dynamic range possible
across two ADC range settings.
• Industry’s lowest power consumption
• 1.62 to 3.6 V supply voltage.
• 9 μA average current (LED pulsed 24.4
μs every 800 ms at 180 mA plus 3 μA
Si115x supply).
• <500 nA standby current.
• 24.4 μs LED “on” time keeps total power
consumption duty cycle low without
compromising performance or noise
• Internal and external wake support.
• Built-in voltage supply monitor and
power-on reset controller.
• Wearables
• Handsets
• Display backlighting control
• Consumer electronics