Silicon Laboratories
The Si1120EK is intended as an evaluation and development platform for the Si1120 infrared proximity and ambient light sensor. Two PCBs are included in the kit: the Si1120 EVB shown in Figure 1, and the C8051F930-TB shown in Figure 2. Although the C8051F930-TB is part of the development kit, the documentation in this user’s guide will focus on the Si1120 EVB and the example firmware. For more specific information on the C8051F930 TB, refer to the “C8051F930-DK User’s Guide”. The main components of the Si1120 EVB are the Si1120 sensor (U1), the infrared emitters (D1 through D7), and header J1 which allows for selection between different infrared emitters on the board. On this PCB, the infrared emitters used are OSRAM part number SFH 4650-Z. These emitters have a power rating of 45 mW and a half-angle of 20 degrees. Other emitters with different characteristics may also be used, depending on the specific application requirements.
Kit Contents
The Si1120 Evaluation Kit contains the following items:
◾ Si1120 Evaluation Board
◾ C8051F930 Target Board
◾ Si1120EK Quick Start Guide
◾ AC to DC Power Adapter
◾ USB Debug Adapter (USB to Debug Interface)
◾ 2 USB Cables