Silan Microelectronics
The SC1088 is a bipolar integrated circuit for use in mono portable and pocket radios. It is used when a minimum of perpheral components (of small dimensions and low costs) is important. The circuit contains a frequency-locked-loop(FLL) system with an intermediate frequency(IF) of about 70kHz. Selectivity is achieved
by active RC-filters. De-tuning related to the IF and too weak input signal is suppressed by the mute circuit.
* Equipped with all stages of a mono receiver from antenna to audio output.
* Mute Circuit
* Search tuning with a single varicap diode
* Mechanical tuning with integrating AFC
* AM application supported
* Power supply polarity protection
* Power supply voltage down to 1.8V
1. Mechanical tuning: This is possible with or without integrated AFC circuit
2. Electrical tuning: This is realized by one directional(band-up) search tuning facility, including RESET to the
lower-band limit.