Realtek Semiconductor
RTL8181 is a highly integrated SoC, embedded with a high - performance 32 - bit RISC microcontroller, Ethernet andWLAN contr oller. It is a cost - effective and high - performance solution for the system of wirele ss LAN Access Point, wireless SOHO router, wireless Internet gateway, etc.
Core Processor
LX5280 32- bit RISC architecture.
Superscalar architecture, containing 2 execution pipelines with better performance
Embedded with 8 K I- Cache, 8 K D -Cache and 4K D- RAM.
MMU supported
Up to 200MHZ operating frequency
WLAN Controller
Integrated IEEE 802.11b complied MAC and DSSSBaseband processor
Support Tx data rate in 11M, 5.5M, 2M and 1M
Support long and short preamble
Support antenna diversity and AGC.
Embedded with e ncryption/decryption engine for 64bits and 1 28bits WEP