Pericom Semiconductor
The PI6C671F is a mixed-voltage clock generator designed to provide all timing signals for Intel Pentium/Pentium II module-based motherboards. It provides four CPU, seven PCI, and up to eight SDRAM clocks. Additionally, three reference clocks (same frequency as the crystal) and two selectable 24/48 MHz clocks are available.
• Supports Pentium or Pentium II CPU modules
• Spread Spectrum capability reduces EMI
• Low power consumption
• Four CPU Clocks with VDDQ2of 3.3V or 2.5V
• Enhanced drive on CPUCLK0
• Seven PCI synchronous clocks (3.3V)
• One IOAPIC Clock @14.31818 MHz (Power from pin 46), with VDDQ1of 3.3V or 2.5V
• Two 48/24 MHz clocks (3.3V)
• Six/eight SDRAM clocks (3.3V)
• Three Ref. Clocks @14.31818 MHz (3.3V)
• Internal crystal loading capacitor
• Ref. 14.31818 MHz crystal oscillator input
• Separate 66/60# MHz select pin
• Separate power management MODE control pin
• I2C 2-Wire Serial Interface
• 48-pin SSOP Package (V) and TSSOP (A) Features