Zarlink Semiconductor Inc
The PDSP16318 contains two independent 20-bit Adder/Subtractors combined with accumulator registers and shift structures. The four port architecture permits full 10MHz throughout in FFT and filter applications.
Two PDSP16318s combined with a single PDSP16112A Complex Multiplier provide a complete arithmetic solution for a Radix 2 DIT FFT Butterfly. A new complex Butterfly result can be generated every 100ns allowing 1k complex FTTs to to be executed in 512µs.
■ Full 10MHz Throughout in FFT Applications
■ Four Independent 16-bit I/O Ports
■ 20-bit Addition or Accumulation
■ Fully Compatible with PDSP16112 Complex Multiplier
■ On Chip Shift Structures for Result Scaling
■ Overflow Detection
■ Independent Three-State Outputs and Clock Enables for 2 Port 10MHz Operation
■ 1.4 micron CMOS
■ 500mW Maximum Power Dissipation
■ 100 pin ceramic QFP