NTE Electronics
The NTE7166 is an integrated circuit in a 5-Lead Staggered TO3P type package and is specifically designed to satisfy the requirements for increased integration and reliability in off-line quasi-resonant flyback converters. This device incorporates a primary control and drive circuit with discrete avalanche-rated power MOSFETs.
Cycle-by-cycle current limiting, under-voltage lockout with hysteresis, over-voltage protection, and thermal shutdown protects the power supply during th normal overload an fault conditions. Over voltge protection and thermal shutdown are latched after a short delay. The latch may be reset by cycling the input supply. Low-current startup and a low-power standby mode selected from the secondary circuit completes a comprehensive suite of features.
• Flyback Operation with Quasi-Resonant Soft Switching for Low Power Dissipation and EMI
• Rugged Avalanche-Rated MOSFET
• Full Over-Current Protection (No Blanking)
• Under-Voltage Lockout with Hysteresis
• Over-Voltage Protection
• Direct Voltage Feedback
• Low Start-Up Current
• Low-Frequency, Low-Power Standby Operation