NEC => Renesas Technology
The NE6510379A is a 3 W GaAs HJ-FET designed for middle power transmitter applications for mobile communication systems. It is capable of delivering 3 watt of output power (1/3 Duty pulse operation) with high linear gain, high efficiency and excellent distortion.
Reliability and performance uniformity are assured by NEC’s stringent quality and control procedures.
• GaAs HJ-FET Structure
• High Output Power :
PO = +35 dBm typ. @VDS = 3.5 V, IDset = 200 mA, f = 900 MHz, Pin = +24 dBm, 1/3 duty
PO = +32.5 dBm typ. @VDS = 3.5 V, IDset = 200 mA, f = 1.9 GHz, Pin = +26 dBm, 1/3 duty
• High Linear Gain :
GL = 13 dB typ. @VDS = 3.5 V, IDset = 200 mA, f = 900 MHz, Pin = 0 dBm, 1/3 duty
GL = 8 dB typ. @VDS = 3.5 V, IDset = 200 mA, f = 1.9 GHz, Pin = 0 dBm, 1/3 duty
• High Power Added Efficiency:
58% typ. @VDS = 3.5 V, IDset = 200 mA, f = 900 MHz, Pin = +24 dBm, 1/3 duty
52% typ. @VDS = 3.5 V, IDset = 200 mA, f = 1.9 GHz, Pin = +26 dBm, 1/3 duty