Philips Electronics
The NE56604-42 is designed to generate a reset signal at a threshold voltage of 4.2 V for a variety of microprocessor and logic systems. Accurate reset signals are generated during momentary power interruptions, or whenever power supply voltages sag to intolerable levels. The NE56604-42 has a built-in Watchdog Timer to monitor the microprocessor and ensure it is operating properly. Any abnormal system operations due to microprocessor malfunctions are terminated by a system reset generated by the Watchdog. The NE56604-42 has a Watchdog monitoring time of 100 ms (typical).
• Both positive and negative logic reset output signals are available
• Accurate threshold detection
• Internal power-on reset delay
• Internal Watchdog timer programmable with external resistor
• Watchdog monitoring time of 100 ms (typical)
• Reset assertion with VCC down to 0.8 VDC (typical)
• Few external components required.
• Microcomputer systems
• Logic systems.