[MX•COM Inc.]
Line-Powered Call Progress Tone Detector
The MX623 is a low-power decoding integrated circuit that measures the frequency of telephone system call progress tones.
With progress signals input from the telephone line, this single-chip product is programmed to recognize up to thirteen of the Worlds most commonly used call-progress frequencies, analyze signal quality, and present the measured result as a 4-bit parallel data word at the tri-state Data Output.
• MX•COM MiXed Signal CMOS
• Custom Tone Decoder (13 Call-Progress Frequencies Recognized)
• Operates to a 3.579545MHz Telephone System Clock
• Operates Under Simple Logic or µProcessor System Control
• Measures Call Progress Tone Frequencies (‘Busy’, ‘Dial’, ‘Fax-Tone’ etc.)
• Telephone, PABX, Fax and Dial-Up Modem Applications
• Low-Power Requirement (600µA at 3.3 VoltsTYP) for Line-Powered Applications