Motorola => Freescale
TMOS V™ Power Field Effect Transistor
DPAK for Surface Mount
N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Silicon Gate
TMOSV is a new technologydesigned to achieve an on–resistancearea product about one–half that of standard MOSFETs. This newtechnology more than doubles the present cell density of our 50and 60 volt TMOS devices. Just as with our TMOSE–FET designs,TMOSV is designed to withstand high energy in the avalancheand commutation modes. Designed for low voltage, high speedswitching applications in power supplies, converters and power motor controls, these devices are particularly well suited for bridgecircuits where diodespeed and commutating safe operating areasare critical and offer additional safety margin against unexpected voltage transients.
New Features of TMOS V
• On–resistance Area Product about One–half that of Standard
MOSFETs with New Low Voltage, Low RDS(on)Technology
• Faster Switching than E–FET Predecessors
• Avalanche Energy Specified
• IDSSand VDS(on)Specified at Elevated Temperature
• Static Parameters are the Same for both TMOS V and TMOS E–FET
• Surface Mount Package Available in 16 mm 13–inch/2500 Unit Tape & Reel, Add T4 Suffix to Part Number