Mitel Networks
The MT8924 is designed to provide conference call capability in digital switching systems. It allows up to 10 independent conferences to be set for up to 32 PCM voice channels.
A/µ-Law companded data from the PCM input port is converted to linear format, processed by a dedicated arithmetic unit, re-converted to companded format and then sent to the PCM output port.The PCM output signal contains all the information of each channel connected in conference except its own.
Programmable attenuation and noise suppression are provided for channels connected in conference or transparent mode. Additionally, an input for an external tone is featured that can be used as a signal to indicate to connected parties that they are on a conference call.
• Supports up to 10 independent conferences for up to 32 PCM Voice Channels
• ST-BUS compatible 2.048 Mb/s PCM Serial
Interface (also supports 1.536 Mb/s and 1.544 Mb/s data rates)
• Per channel digital gain control (0/-3/-6 dB)
• Parallel microprocessor port for device control
• Programmable noise suppression
• External Tone Input
• Pin selectable A/µ-Law format
• Low power CMOS technology
• Available in 24 Pin PDIP and SOIC packages
• Digital PBX / KTS
• Conference bridges
• Digital C.O. switches