M.S. Kennedy Corporation
The MSK 4227 is a complete H-Bridge circuit to be used for DC brushed motor control or Class D switchmode amplification. All of the drive/control circuitry for the lowside and highside switches are internal to the circuit. Logic level inputs are provided for controlling each MOSFET independently, allowing every possible switch combination except those that would cause a simultaneous conduction or shoot-through condition for each half bridge. This gives the user freedom to use various modulation schemes for PWM control. The MSK 4227 is constructed in a space efficient plastic power package that can be directly bolted to a heatsink.
• Low Cost Complete H-Bridge
• 20 Amp Capability, 200 Volt Maximum Rating
• Self-contained Smart Lowside/Highside Drive Circuitry
• Shoot-through Protection
• Isolated Case Allows Direct Heatsinking
• Logic Level Disable Input
• Individual Logic Level Gate Drive Inputs for Various Modulation Schemes