M.S. Kennedy Corporation
The MSK 4203 is a complete H-Bridge hybrid intended for use in DC brushed motor control applications or Class D switchmode amplification. All of the drive/control circuitry for the lowside and highside switches are internal to the hybrid, as well as a +5V linear regulator. The PWM circuitry is internal as well, leaving the user to only provide an analog signal for the motor speed/direction, or audio signal for switchmode audio amplification. The MSK 4203 is packaged in a space efficient isolated 18 pin power package available in three lead form configurations that can be directly connected to a heatsink.
• 75 Volt, 10 Amp Capability
• Self-Contained Smart Lowside/Highside Drive Circuitry
• Internal PWM Generation, Shoot-through Protection
• Isolated Case Allows Direct Heatsinking
• On Board 5 Volt Regulator
• Available Fully Screened To MIL-PRF-38534 Class H
• Logic Level High Side Enable Control
• Logic Level Disable Input