Motorola => Freescale
Quality and Reliability—Overview
A Major Objective of the Production Cycle From rigid incoming inspection of piece parts and materials, to stringent outgoing quality verification, the Motorola assembly and process flow is encompassed by an elaborate system of test and inspection stations; stations to ensure a
step-by-step adherence to prescribed procedure. This produces the high level of quality for which Motorola is known. . . from start to finish.
As illustrated in the process flow overview, every major manufacturing step is followed by an appropriate in-process quality inspection to insure product conformance to specification. In addition, Statistical Process Control (S.P.C.) techniques are utilized on all critical processes to insure
processing equipment is capable of producing the product to the target specification while minimizing the variability. Quality control in wafer processing, assembly, and final test impart Motorola sensor products with a level of reliability that easily exceeds almost all industrial, consumer, and military requirements.