Melexis Microelectronic Systems
The MLX90333 is a monolithic sensor IC featuring the Tria⊗is® Hall technology. Conventional planar Hall technology is only sensitive to the flux density applied orthogonally to the IC surface. The Tria⊗is® Hall sensor is also sensitive to the flux density applied parallel to the IC surface. This is obtained through an Integrated Magneto-Concentrator (IMC) which is deposited on the CMOS die (as an additional back-end step).
The MLX90333 is sensitive to the 3 components of the flux density applied to the IC (BX, BY and BZ). This allows the MLX90333 to sense any magnet moving in its surrounding and it enables the design of novel generation of non-contacting joystick position sensors which are often required for both automotive and industrial applications (e.g. man-machine interface).
FEATUREs and Benefits
❐ Absolute 3D Position Sensor
❐ Simple & Robust Magnetic Design
❐ Tria⊗is® Hall Technology
❐ Programmable Linear Transfer Characteristics (Alpha, Beta)
❐ Selectable Analog (Ratiometric), PWM, Serial Protocol
❐ 12 bit Angular Resolution - 10 bit Angular Thermal Accuracy
❐ 40 bit ID Number
❐ Single Die – SO8 Package RoHS Compliant
❐ Dual Die (Full Redundant) – TSSOP16 Package RoHS Compliant
❐ 3D Position Sensor
❐ Joystick
❐ 4-Way Scroll Key
❐ Joypad
❐ Man Machine Interface Device
❐ Linear Position Sensor