LAPIS Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
The ML9042 used in combination with an 8-bit or 4-bit microcontroller controls the operation of a character type dot matrix LCD.
• Easy interfacing with an 8-bit or 4-bit microcontroller
• Switchable between serial and parallel interfaces
• Dot-matrix LCD controller driver for a 5 x 8 dot font
• Built-in circuit allowing automatic resetting at power-on
• Built-in 17 common signal drivers and 100 segment signal drivers
• Two built-in character generator ROMs each capable of generating 240 characters (5 x 8 dots)
The character generator ROM can be selected by bank switching (ROM1S) pin.
• Creation of character patterns by programming: up to 8 character patterns (5 x 8 dots)
• Built-in RC oscillation circuit using external or internal resistors
• Program-selectable duties
When ABE bit is “L”: 1/8 duty (1 line: 5 x 8 dots), or 1/16 duty (2 lines: 5 x 8 dots)
When ABE bit is “H”: 1/9 duty (1 line: 5 x 8 dots + arbitrator), or 1/17 duty (2 lines: 5 x 8 dots + arbitrator)
• Cursor display
• Built-in bias dividing resistors to drive the LCD
• Bi-directional transfer of segment outputs
• Bi-directional transfer of common outputs
• 100-dot arbitrator display
• Line display shifting
• Built-in voltage multiplier circuit
• Gold Bump Chip