Oki Electric Industry
The ML63187B and ML63189B are CMOS 4-bit microcontroller with built-in 1024-dot matrix LCD drivers and operates at 0.9 V (min.). The ML63187B and 63189B are suitable for applications such as games, toys, watches, etc. which are provided with an LCD display.
The ML63187B and ML63189B are M6318x series mask ROM-version product of OLMS-63K family, which employs Oki’s original CPU core nX-4/250.
• Rich instruction set
408 instructions
Transfer, rotate, increment/decrement, arithmetic operations, comparison, logic operations, mask
operations, bit operations, ROM table reference, stack operations, flag operations, branch, conditional
branch, call/return, control
• Rich selection of addressing modes
Indirect addressing of four data memory types, with current bank register, extra bank register, HL register
and XY register
Data memory bank internal direct addressing mode
• Processing speed
Two clocks per machine cycle, with most instructions executed in one machine cycle
Minimum instruction execution time : 61 µs (@32.768 kHz system clock)
1 µs (@2 MHz system clock)
• Clock generation circuit
Low-speed clock : Crystal oscillation or RC oscillation selected with mask option (30 to 80 kHz)
High-speed clock : Ceramic oscillation or RC oscillation selected with software (2 MHz max.)
• Program memory space
• ML63187B : 16 K words
• ML63189B : 32 K words
Basic instruction length is 16 bits/1 word
• Data memory space
• ML63187B : 1024 nibbles
• ML63189B : 1536 nibbles
• Stack level
Call stack level : 16 levels
Register stack level : 16 levels