LANSDALE Semiconductor Inc.
Legacy Device: Motorola MC13150
The ML13150 is a narrowband FM IF subsystem targeted at cellular and other analog applications. The ML13150 has an onboard Colpitts VCO that can be crystal controlled or phased lock for second LO in dual conversion receivers. The mixer is a double balanced configuration with excellent third order intercept. It is useful to beyond 200 MHz. The IF amplifier is split to accommodate two low cost cascaded filters. RSSI output is derived by summing the output of both IF sections., The quadrature detector is a unique design eliminating the conventional tunable quadrature coil.
APPLICATIONs for the ML13150 include cellular, CT-1, 900 MHz cordless telephone, data links and other radio systems utilizing narrowband FM modulation.
• Linear Coilless Detector
• Adjustable Demodulator Bandwidth
• 2.5 to 6.0 Vdc Operation
• Low Drain Current <2.0 mA
• Typical Sensitivity of 2.0 µV for 12 dB SINAD
• IIP3, Input Third Order Intercept Point of 0 dBm
• RSSI Range of Greater Than 100 dB
• Internal 1.4 kΩ Terminations for 455 kHz Filters
• Split IF for Improved filtering and Extended RSSI Range
• Operating Temperature Range - TA = -40° to +85°C