Motorola => Freescale
The RF Line UHF Power Amplifiers
. . . designed specifically for the Pan European digital 2.0 watt, GSM hand–held radio. The MHW903, MHW953 and MHW954 are capable of wide power range control, operate from a 7.2 volt supply and require 1.0 mW (MHW903 /953) or 100 mW (MHW954) of RF input power.
• Specified 7.2 Volt Characteristics:
RF Input Power — 1.0 mW (0 dBm) MHW903/953; 100 mW (20 dBm) MHW954
RF Output Power — 3.5 W
Minimum Gain — 35.4 dB (MHW903/953) or 15.4 dB (MHW954)
Harmonics — –35 dBc Max @ 2.0 fo (MHW930/953) or
–30 dBc Max @ 2.0 fo (MHW954)
• New Biasing and Control Techniques Providing Dynamic Range and Control Circuit Bandwidth Ideal for GSM
• Low Control Current
• 50 Ohm Input/Output Impedances
• Guaranteed Stability and Ruggedness
• Test fixture circuit board photomaster available upon request by contacting RF Tactical Marketing in Phoenix, AZ.