Motorola => Freescale
The MC68349 Dragon I is the highest performance member of the Motorola M68300 family of integrated
processors. The MC68349 is designed to serve as the central processor of personal intelligent communicators (PICs) and similar products requiring an optimal balance of performance, integration, cost, and power consumption. The MC68349 is the first in a series of M68300 family integrated processors designed specifically to support rigorous requirements of consumer-oriented intelligent personal electronics.
The primary features of the MC68349 include:
• High-Performance CPU030 Processor
—CPU32+ 32-Bit Execution Unit
M68000 Upward User Code Compatible 32-Bit Bus Interface Two-Clock Instruction Execution Rate
—Configurable Instruction Cache (CIC)
Four Independent Blocks, Each Configurable as Cache or SRAM
1-Kbyte Instruction Cache or 2-Kbyte SRAM Total Storage
Four-Way Set Associative (All Blocks Configured as Cache)
Each Block Independently Lockable
Supports Simultaneous CPU and DMA Bus Activity
—Quad Data Memory Module (QDMM)
Four Independent 1-Kbyte SRAM Blocks
Useful for Scratchpad, Variable Storage, and Stacks
Each Block Independently Mapped and Protected
• High-Speed 32-Bit Dual DMA Controllers for Low-Latency Data Transfers
—Full 32-Bit Data Transfers for Highest Performance
—50-Mbyte/Sec Sustained Transfer Rate
—Dual or Single Address Transfers
—8-, 16-, or 32-Bit Transfers
• Dual Serial Communication Ports
—Synchronous or Asynchronous Operation
—3-Mbit/Sec Sustained Transfer Rate
—Modem Control
—Baud Rate Generation
—MC68681/MC2681 Compatible
• System Integration Module for Flexible and Cost-Effective System Interface
—32-Bit Address Bus
—32-Bit Data Bus with Dynamic Bus Sizing
—System Protection, Reset, and Configuration Control
—Chip-Select, Wait State Generation, Bus Watchdog
—Periodic Interrupt/System Timer
—Interrupt Controller
—Dual 8-Bit Parallel Ports
—IEEE 1149.1 Boundary Scan (JTAG)
• Power Management
—5 V or 3.3 V Operation
—Fully Static HCMOS Technology
—Programmable Clock Synthesizer for Full Frequency Control
—Power-Down/Low Power Stop Capabilities
—Idle Modules Can Be Individually Powered Down
• 32-Bit Data Paths for On-Chip and Off-Chip Access
• 0–16- or 25-MHz Operation
• 160-Pin Plastic QFP