MB3892 is a low-saturation voltage type series regulator contains 3 channels for the baseband regulator, 1 channel for the backup regulator, 6 channels for the RF regulator, and 1 channel for the variable regulator. MB3892 is built in reset circuit, serial control circuit, operation Amp. for charge control of Lithium ion battery, LED drive circuit, receiver Amp., loudspeaker drive Amp., sounder circuit, vibrator drive circuit, and 4-ch D/A converter and the devices is miniaturized by systematization of built-in power supply for mobile phone.
• Power supply voltage range : VB = 2.85 V to 5.5 V
: EXTVCC = 3.0 V to 6.5 V
• Low power consumption current during standby : 100 µA (Max.)
• Built-in low-saturation voltage type series regulator
• Built-in power-on reset function
• Built-in serial control function
• Built-in operation Amp. for charge control of Lithium ion battery
• Special power off function
(To prevent battery discharge, this function controls the power consumption current of main IC under 11 µA (typ.) on the shipment.)