Maxim Integrated
General Description
The MAX7356/MAX7357/MAX7358 8-channel I2C switches/multiplexers expand the main I2C bus to any combination of 8 extended I2C buses. They enable a master on the main bus to isolate and communicate with devices or groups of devices that may otherwise have slave address conflicts. Any extended bus can be connected or disconnected by control packets from the main I2C bus writing to the main control register of these I2C switches.
The MAX7357 and MAX7358 feature an enhanced mode that includes a built-in timer used to monitor all extended buses for lock-up conditions. If the clock or data line of any of these buses is low for more than 25ms (typ), a lock condition is detected. An optional interrupt can be generated through the bidirectional RST/INT. The master can read the bus lock-up register to find out which extended bus is locked up. The master can also enable the MAX7357 or the MAX7358 to send a “flush-out” sequence on the faulty channel. There is an optional preconnection check that can be enabled to toggle the extended bus clock and data line low then high to ensure the downstream bus is not locked high prior to connecting it to the host bus.
♦ Bus Lock-Up Detection and Isolation (MAX7357, MAX7358)
♦ Host Notification on Detection of Lock-Up
(MAX7357, MAX7358)
♦ Maintain Fault Diagnostic Information (MAX7357, MAX7358)
♦ Dual-Function RST/INT Provides Lock-Up
Notification and Hardware Reset (MAX7357, MAX7358)
♦ RST Input Resets I2C Interface (MAX7358)
♦ 3 Address Control Inputs
♦ Low RON Switches
♦ Logic-Level Translation
♦ Low 0.1µA (typ) Standby Current
♦ Support Hot Insertion
♦ 100kbps Standard-Mode or 400kbps Fast-Mode
I2C Interface
♦ Address Translation Allows Multiple Device with Same ID
♦ 5.5V-Tolerant Inputs
♦ 2.3V to 5.5V Supply
Base Stations
Control and Automation Devices
SFP Control Interface
Networking Equipment