MASW-004103-1365(V2) Hoja de datos - M/A-COM Technology Solutions, Inc.
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M/A-COM Technology Solutions, Inc.
The MASW-004103-1365 is a Surmount™ broadband monolithic SP4T switch using series and shunt connected silicon PIN diodes. This part is designed for use as a moderate signal, high performance switch in applications up to 20 GHz. This Surface Mount chipscale configuration is optimized for broadband performance with minimal associated parasitics usually associated with hybrid MIC designs incorporating beam lead and PIN diodes that require chip and wire assembly.
• Specified from 50 MHz to 20 GHz
• Usable up to 26 GHz
• Low Insertion Loss
• High Isolation
• Low Parasitic Capacitance and Inductance
• RoHS Compliant Surmount™ Package
• Rugged, Fully Monolithic
• Glass Encapsulated Construction
• Up to +38 dBm C.W. Power Handling1 @ +25°C
• Silicon Nitride Passivation
• Polymer Scratch Protection
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Número de pieza
componentes Descripción
HMIC™ Silicon PIN Diode SP4T Switch 50 MHz - 20 GHz
M/A-COM Technology Solutions, Inc.
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M/A-COM Technology Solutions, Inc.
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M/A-COM Technology Solutions, Inc.
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M/A-COM Technology Solutions, Inc.
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