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M3L Hoja de datos - International Rectifier

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12 Pages

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International Rectifier 

   The M3L-Series of DC/DC converters are radiation tolerant, high reliability devices designed for moderate radiation environments such as those encountered by low earth orbit satellites and launch vehicles. For higher radiation environments, the M3G-Series of DC/DC converters is recommended. Features include small size, low weight and a high tolerance to total ionizing dose, single event effects and environmental stresses such as temperature extremes, mechanical shock, and vibration. All components are fully derated to meet the requirements of MIL-STD-975 and MIL-STD-1547 and GSFC PPL-21 Appendix B. Extensive documentation including Radiation Susceptibility, Thermal Analysis, Stress Analysis and MTBF are available.

◾ Total Dose > 25K Rad(Si)
◾ SEE Hardened to LET up to 37 MeV.cm2/mg
◾ Internal EMI filter; Converter Capable of
   meeting MIL-STD-461C CE03 and CS01
◾ Low Weight, < 85 grams
◾ Magnetically Coupled Feedback
◾ 16V to 50V DC Input Range
◾ Up to 25W Output Power
◾ Single and Dual Output Models Include
   3.3, 5, 12, 15, ±5, ±12 and 15V
◾ High Efficiency to 82%
◾ -55°C to +125°C Operating Temperature Range
◾ 100MΩ @ 500VDC Isolation
◾ Under-Voltage Lockout
◾ Short Circuit and Overload Protection
◾ Output Over Voltage Limiter
◾ Adjustable Output Voltage
◾ External Inhibit
◾ 1,500,000 Hour MTBF

◾ Low Earth Orbit Satellites (LEO)
◾ Launch Vehicles

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