Microsemi Corporation
The LX1660 and LX1661 Are Monolithic Switching Regulator Controller
ICs designed to provide low-cost, high performance adjustable power supply for microprocessors and other applications requiring a fast transient response and a high degree of accuracy. They provide an adjustable synchronous Pulse Width Modulator output suitable for a power supply for Pentium® or other microprocessors.
Synchronous Rectifier Driver For CPU Core. The devices can drive dual MOSFETs resulting in typical efficiencies of 85 - 90%, even with loads in excess of 10A. Synchronous shutdown results in increased efficiency in light load applications.
Short-Circuit Current Limiting Without Expensive Current Sense Resistors. The current sensing mechanism can use a PCB trace resistance or the parasitic resistance of the main inductor. For applications requiring a high degree of accuracy, a conventional sense resistor can be used.
Hiccup Mode Fault Protection. The hiccup mode is programmable and with pulse-by-pulse current limiting will help protect the power supply system and load in the even of a short circuit.
Ultra-Fast Transient Response Reduces System Cost. The fixed frequency modulated off-time architecture results in the fastest transient response for a given inductor. Adaptive voltage positioning (LX1661 only) requires fewer low-ESR capacitors to meet stringent transient over and under-shoot specifications.
■ Designed To Drive A Synchronous Rectifier
Stage — Can Also Be Used In Non
Synchronous Applications
■ Soft-Start Capability
■ Hiccup-Mode Fault Protection
■ No Current-Sense Resistor Required For
Current Limiting
■ Modulated Constant Off-Time Control
Mechanism For Fast Transient Response And
Simple System Design
■ 2V, 0.5% Internal Voltage Reference Brought Out
■ Pentium Processor Supplies
■ AMD-K6TM Supplies
■ Cyrix® 6x86TM Supplies
■ Voltage Regulator Modules
■ General Purpose DC:DC Supplies