Linear Technology
The LT1253 is a low cost dual current feedback amplifier for video applications. The LT1254 is a quad version of the LT1253. The amplifiers are completely isolated except for the power supply pins and therefore have excellent isolation, over 94dB at 5MHz. Dual and quad amplifiers significantly reduce costs compared with singles; the number of insertions is reduced and fewer supply bypass capacitors are required. In addition, these duals and quads cost less per amplifier than single video amplifiers.
■ Low Cost
■ Current Feedback Amplifiers
■ Differential Gain: 0.03%, RL = 150Ω, VS = ±5V
■ Differential Phase: 0.28°, RL = 150Ω, VS = ±5V
■ Flat to 30MHz, 0.1dB
■ 90MHz Bandwidth on ±5V
■ Wide Supply Range: ±2V(4V) to ±14V(28V)
■ Low Power: 60mW per Amplifier at ±5V
■ RGB Cable Drivers
■ Composite Video Cable Drivers
■ Gain Blocks in IF Stages